Only Have 5 Minutes? No Problem! Here are Five 5-Minute Self-care Tips

Woman writing in journal on bed

“Take the time today to love yourself. You deserve it.”
Avina Celeste

I very much agree with the quote above. You deserve your own love and affection just as much as anyone. But in this busy world we live in - dedicating time to yourself each day isn't always possible. Here are some of my favorite ways to squeeze in some "me time" even on the busiest of days.

  • Practice deep breaths - breathe in through the nose for 4 counts and out through the mouth for 4 counts. Close your eyes and focus on your breath. This is easy to do anywhere you are!
  • Grab your favorite face or body scrub and give your hands a massage. Finish with your favorite lotion.
  • Boil some water and add in a few drops of essential oil (lavender, eucalyptus or orange are some of my favorites). Let it cool slightly and then hold your face over the water and breathe in and out. For a deeper effect, cover your head with a towel.
  • Listen to your favorite song. Dance or sing it out!
  • Pause and reflect on what you're grateful for. If you have a pen and paper, write it down so that you can refer back.

What are some of your favorite quick tips for #selfcare? Share below!

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