Mindful Mamas: Meet Caitlin

I'm so excited to introduce our new blog series spotlighting amazing mamas: Mindful Mamas. The goal of this series is to showcase the different ways we mamas get our self-care and mindfulness in and show how it can look/feel/be different for everyone (and that's ok!), as well as the creative tips we mamas use to fit it in! I hope this series inspires you to take some time for yourself, mama.

Meet Caitlin

I'm excited to introduce you to our first mama - Caitlin! Caitlin is a mom of two (a 5-year old and an almost 4-year old) from the Chicago suburbs. I'm originally from the Chicago area (Oak Park) so this was a fun point to connect on. 

Caitlin is a Corporate Recruiter with a passion for running and journaling (yay!). Read the full interview below to find out Caitlin's favorite self-care activities and how she incorporates them into her routine : )

Caitlin Douglas, Bliss'd Mindful Mama Caitlin, @journalwithcaitlin

What is your definition of self-care? Has this changed since becoming a mom?

Yes, it's definitely changed since becoming a mom. For me, self care is investing time and actions that lift up my spirit and make me feel better afterwards - happier, more energy, etc.

What does your self-care routine look like? Feel free to share small practices you do regularly and/or a set routine (morning, evening).

It shifts often as a mom. I journal anywhere from 1 to 7 times per week. I do weekly face masks, and run/walk regularly, including organized running events with friends.

Do you practice mindfulness? If so, how?

Yes, being present and mindful of the moment is important to me. It’s hard to do! Yet worth being intentional about it.

What is your favorite self-care activity for when you have… 5 minutes, 30 minutes, 60+ minutes?

There are so many options!! Running is my top choice. Journaling is second.

Motherhood can be overwhelming! How do you center yourself when you’re feeling stressed, anxious or overwhelmed?

Without a doubt, journal.

Brunette woman with 2 children under twinkle lights on a tree

What is a tip you have for a mom interested in self-care but doesn’t know how to start, or they feel overwhelmed with the idea of fitting it in?

Start small and experiment! With journaling, for example, some people like journaling for two minutes and some like twenty. Others like morning journal time and others at night. It's about finding what works for you.

When do you feel your most bliss’d out?

When I’m fully present and centered in the moment that I’m enjoying with my children.

What's a mama mantra you live by?

"Do the best with what you know. When you know better, do better." (Maya Angelou)


Thank you, Caitlin, for sharing your thoughts and knowledge! I loved this interview and hope you did, too - and I'm going to add that mantra to my life motto!

To connect more with Caitlin, follow her Instagram @journalwithcaitlin, where she shares helpful journaling tips for moms. 

And if you're a mom interested in being featured in our Mindful Mamas series, please submit here. We are excited to feature you!

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