Mindful Mamas - Meet Sarah

Our Mindful Mamas series spotlights other amazing mindful mamas from all over! The interviews focus on mindfulness and self-care and what it means and looks like for each mama. The goal of this series is to showcase the different ways we mamas get our self-care and mindfulness in and show how it can look/feel/be different for everyone, as well as the creative tips we mamas use to fit it in! We hope this series educates, informs and inspires you on self-care and to take some time for yourself, mama! 

Sarah Lambert headshot

Meet Sarah Lambert

Sarah is our next Bliss'd Mindful Mama! Sarah is from Toronto, Canada, and is a mama of two - a 2.5 year old and a 4.5 year old. She's a Business Coach and the owner of The Rosewood Agency, a course creation agency for entrepreneurs. Read on for my full interview with Sarah.

What is your definition of self-care? Has this changed since becoming a mom?

Self-care is nourishing your soul. Building your internal resources by doing something that fills you up, and that looks different for everyone. Since becoming a mom I've had to be very intentional about my self-care. It has taken me years to take time away to do things for me. Now what I love to do is go for solo walks with a podcast, spend the day at the spa, go golfing or even just take a midday nap!

What does your self-care routine look like? Feel free to share small practices you do regularly and/or a set routine (morning, evening).

I don't do anything specific each day, I tap into how I'm feeling each day and tune into what I need and do my best to give it to myself. Sometimes that's a long shower or bath, other times it's choosing not to work or going to have lunch with a friend.

Do you practice mindfulness? If so, how?

I do, my practice is in being present as much as I can. I don't do daily meditation or breath work, but I do use these tools every now and again. Instead I often place my hand over my heart, take a deep breath and do my best to allow my mind to be where my feet are :)

What's a "mindful mama" tip you have?

Start small, try different practices (meditation, visualization, breath work, walking in nature) and decide what works for you. It doesn't have to be more than 5-minutes a day of intentional presence to really develop your mindfulness.

What is your favorite self-care activity for when you have… 5 minutes, 30 minutes, 60+ minutes?

5 minutes - Journal

30 minutes - A walk

60+ minutes - A walk or a nap!

What are your top 3 - 5 self-care and/or wellness products?

Essential oils, my beauty products, the insight timer app and pause breathwork app

Motherhood can be overwhelming! How do you center yourself when you’re feeling stressed, anxious or overwhelmed?

Deep breaths, tune into how I'm feeling, allow myself to feel it and then take aligned action. Sometimes that action is communicating a need or a boundary, taking a break or exercising.

What is a tip you have for a mom interested in self-care but unsure how to start, or she feels overwhelmed with the idea of fitting it in?

A deep breath is the best medicine. So many people aren't using their breath to ground and regulate their nervous systems and it's the easiest, quickest most effective thing we can do to care for ourselves.

When do you feel your most bliss’d out?

Walking in nature alone, or by the water.

What's a mama mantra you live by?

You are enough.


Thank you, Sarah, for sharing your thoughts! I breathed easier just reading these tips - and intend to do it more because it IS the best medicine (and free!). If you'd like to connect further with Sarah, follow her on Instagram (she offers great tips for aspiring business coaches and course creators) or check out her website!

If you're a mom interested in being featured in our Mindful Mamas series, please submit here. We are excited to feature you!

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