Mindful Mamas: Meet Laura

Our Mindful Mamas series spotlights other amazing mindful mamas from all over! The interviews focus on mindfulness and self-care and what it means and looks like for each mama. The goal of this series is to showcase the different ways we mamas get our self-care and mindfulness in and show how it can look/feel/be different for everyone, as well as the creative tips we mamas use to fit it in! We hope this series educates, informs and inspires you on self-care and to take some time for yourself, mama!

Laura Nespoli 

Meet Laura Nespoli

I'm excited to introduce you to our next mama - Laura! Laura is a mom to two girls, ages 6 and 11. She's originally from Rochester, New York, and after a 10-year stint in Brooklyn, she's now back! Laura and I are in the same (amazing!!)  female founder community, Dreamers and Doers - she's the Founder and Strategic Storyteller of Meshin Movement. Read on for my full interview with Laura.

What is your definition of self-care? Has this changed since becoming a mom?

Self-care is listening to my needs and ensuring I'm not just creating the space for it myself but also asking for the support I need from my partner. Self-care looks entirely different since becoming a mom, and continues to evolve as our family grows through the years. I used to think of it as a solitary endeavor, but I've learned that getting the right space for self-care affects the lives of the people who depend on me. Taking time for myself affects them, not just by their needing to give up "mama time" or "snugs time" but allowing me to show up better for them. Self-care for me makes the care I give better for all.

What does your self-care routine look like? Feel free to share small practices you do regularly and/or a set routine (morning, evening).

Every weekday morning I try to savor the hour before everyone else is up to sit in the dark with coffee (or mudwater!) and meditate or write.

Do you practice mindfulness? If so, how?

Mindfulness takes on a lot of different forms for me, in traditional meditation sitting practice, in walking, in dancing, in washing the dishes. One of my favorite times to be mindful is when one of my girls is sitting in my lap, my chest against their back, and I can feel their little heart beat. We might just be watching TV but I'm really just keenly aware of holding one of my girls.

What's a "mindful mama" tip you have?

Everything we do is an opportunity for mindfulness. It just requires the right frame of mind and the intention to be mindful of what you're doing.

What is your favorite self-care activity for when you have… 5 minutes, 30 minutes, 60+ minutes?

Five minutes self care is a stretch on the floor. Thirty minutes is intentional sitting, preferably with my face in the sun. 60 is a walk, again preferably in sunshine.

What are your top 3 - 5 self-care and/or wellness products?

I love my mindfulness app, Waking Up, by Sam Harris. I also love Mudwater to sit with in the morning.

Motherhood can be overwhelming! How do you center yourself when you’re feeling stressed, anxious or overwhelmed?

Deep breathing and walking helps my body regulate and come back to itself. Regular exercise and movement to keep stuck energy moving and my spirits lifted is key. Even if I don't feel like exercising, I'll dance or do something that just makes me feel present to my body and bones. What is a tip you have for a mom interested in self-care but doesn’t know how to start, or they feel overwhelmed with the idea of fitting it in?

Laura Nespoli

Laura and her girls!

What is a tip you have for a mom interested in self-care but unsure how to start, or she feels overwhelmed with the idea of fitting it in?

Everyone has space to give yourself self-care if you can see transition time as time to be mindful. In the car, in the shower, as you're prepping dinner--these can all be moments for deep breathing and being present with yourself. And acknowledge that time as self-care to help you see there are so many times in the day to be mindful and connected with your self. One of the best times to give yourself a moment of care is before your mind turns on for the day. If you open your eyes in the morning and have only a handful of minutes, open a journal and write for just a few minutes. Let that be the tone you set for the rest of the day.

When do you feel your most bliss’d out?

I love to dance. That is my bliss'd out escape. I also love laying in bed at night, lights out, with my headphones on and listening to music. I love the feeling of being carried away by music.

What's a mama mantra you live by?

You got this girrrrrrrl! --There's a long emphasis on that R. I say this to myself when I'm struggling to get through something, like moments of frenzied stress of multi-tasking and getting through the day. And I say it to my girls all the time.

Anything else you'd like us to include?

Every woman deserves bliss. But it won't just knock on our door, we have to want to see it, get it, hold onto it as such. It's a blissful frame of mind that makes all the difference.


Thank you, Laura, for sharing your thoughts with our community! I personally learned a lot from this interview (checking out mudwater now!) and hope you did, too. And I think we can all use more of Laura's mantra in our lives - we got this, girrrrrrl! 

To connect with Laura, follow her Instagram or LinkedIn.

If you're a mom interested in being featured in our Mindful Mamas series, please submit here. We are excited to feature you!

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